Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Guiding Star

The darkness falls and out of all
The stars up there , find you will
With beauty pure  and spark so bright
Standout one that will catch your sight
The one you can call your guiding star
Always burning just to show you path

When eagles are headed to eyries
And the bats are out for work
When the owls begin to hoot
And wolves are there to howl
I’ll be your guiding star
The burning one to show you path

When the night is dark as coal
And  the crickets fear to chirp
When  black wears  even the moon
Look up and you will find soon
The one you call your guiding star
Burning just for you to show the path

When the stars are off to sleep
And out of dark the sun creeps
When illuminated is every grain
The special one awaits again
For the night to fall once more
To  light the path and let you explore

The Rescuing Faces

PC: Maryam Nisar's Creations

Sparkle of Nature

The Reflection

Self- Actualization

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The New Past

Woods silent yet moments passing by
Silence goes silent, silent am I 
Absence of yours made an old presence 
No more remains, takes over the patience
Faults haunt now not my vows sincere 
Sins undone follow when not them I fear
Calm is all when nothingness travels 
Wonders astound when emptiness unravels 

Monday, March 2, 2015