Thursday, February 12, 2015

another hypothesis

I live in this hypothesis that people should be known to sadness and loneliness as per its so monotonous being optimistic every time... so that when they come as unwanted guests people don't feel strange at all having them at their doorsteps.. you know people should stay awake for weeks.. should walk silently for hours in heavy rains with bare feet.. should see the empty wall of their rooms having the clock that's ticking seconds,,minutes and then hours the whole night... should see themselves in mirrors and cry like infants.. *sometimes... only sometimes* to become used to these phases of being pessimistic so that when happenings..surroundings.. people who they love.. anything that is around them would  hurt and tear their souls .. they don't feel the bitterness but only sweetness of those moments of affliction...Just like that.. to be optimistic again...!

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