Tuesday, October 21, 2014

One of life's philosophy!

She was standing there all alone amongst the crowd. All carrying red balloons,hers was blue. She was wearing blue frock with her hair left loose so her curls could hide the scars on her cheeks near the ears.She noticed the colorful frocks of all the girls around her.Only hers was all plain blue with no extravaganza.She clearly stood out from the crowd. she had no friends anymore.they were no longer with her as soon as they saw the scars near her ears.they didn't ask how, they didn't ask why.They just called her ugly and left her all alone.they never cared to see whether she had a golden heart or a black one like they possessed. Her eyes were vacant and sort of carried a dead expression in them.they were dark and lonely and sad..Her soul was more damaged than her.cheeks, but her heart was created of gold, like the color of sun that shines the moon by sitting backstage while the spotlight of being the most beautiful and mystic creation is stolen by the moon.. the sun shines so bright that it blinds the eyes of the onlooker.have you ever realized that we humans forget that the moon doesn't have the light of itself and instead of blaming the scorching sun, we should remember that the nature shows us the way of lightening others esp those who don't have the light of their own if we have the outburst of light in us.sun is a perfect example of this law.Her heart was like the sun but this is how the world and its mortal human beings work , don't they? Ignoring the real reason behind the shine of one dark material.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Last Poem

Under the shades of a purple ring
Songs of hate your fellows sing
Their tainted words now you hear
Sweet pain of mine now you fear

Seems my love was an abyss
A time we died for a single kiss
Making you dance in my pain
Darling you then found me insane

Look for a demon who walks alone
In the lands away and forlorn
Love never dared happen to me
Rage just in my eyes is all you see

A shoulder to rest you now desire
In your whispers you make me a liar
Freely now put your trust in those
Comfort over pain who all chose

Give them me and your everything
But to them you never meant a thing
Not from me shall you hear a sigh
But that just won’t make my sins die

Saving you all the last worries
Hidden in the unheard stories
Savaging the fateful whom I tore
I hear your footsteps fade no more

Saturday, October 4, 2014


She and darkness had a deep relationship. Both complimented each other as both had the same soul within.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Detour For Dreams

Resided in the dungeons of hopelessness
you pulled her out in luminescence
loneliness became her drug
because of you off it shrug
for taking a breathe she strive
you came and made her alive
but no more you are her pride
and she seizes your right to be the guide
despite of previous heart's screams
you no more are a part of her dreams