Tuesday, August 5, 2014

how i feel when i am with u... cuz m in luv

i remember the walk,
beside me was no other but u,
takin me along thru the path of luv,
movin ahead holdin hands v two,

ur face was clear as if sky,
seems blue nd deep like u,
calm were ur expressnz i remember,
so serene ur presence my desires grew,

i was ignorant for so mny years,
ure all i wanted i nvr knew,
i rambled and roved searchin fr unknown,
my craving will finish hre; nvr had a clue

i moved far mny tymz much distance,
but always startled whn not besides U,
my heart pounded much agitated,
whn u wre away my fears grew,

not able to stand firm whn u apart,
u r the one whom picked me up whn i wz strew,
u nvr had ny intentions of pickin on mee,
but ur beingness was enuff; my attention drew,

all this tym i was distrusted of my feelinz,
Agitated to acknowledge facts which were true,
that wud b the crux of my story m amazed,
how deeply ill fall in luv i nvr knew..!!


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