Sunday, November 30, 2014


Today he saw her after quite a long time, of the time which he don't have any count. He would never recognize her if he wouldn't have heard her name, she was talking to someone and that in that conversation that person spoke her name out loud and he, who was passing nearby suddenly froze because after the name, the laugh was a familiar one. A laugh which can produce sunshine in the harsh cold, which can make pain go away, which without any reason can smooth en your soul. He turned to see and there she was, the one whom was once precious. She was as prefect as she used to be. The same charismatic girl he knew, the girl who took life as a happening thing, to her everything was to extreme because she never want a mid way for things. Everything was as prefect as he knew but than why his heart was giving him alarming sounds, why his heart was not accepting this prefect figure which his eyes was mesmerized from so he went straight to her. By seeing him coming her heart missed a beat, she was not believing that after so long she will b able to see him, whom her eyes wished to see with every passing second of her life. But things weren't the same they used to have or once how it was. They both greeted each other and talked about how life changes after and how they moved along in their life's. Soon they both parted saying farewell but he, he was lost in his heart, because it was correct something was wrong as the girl might b a prefect one but a broken one. He remembered that her eyes were sparkling one's, kind of eyes which can gave you peace by looking in it, which sparkling can gave life to you, those which were easily called happy eyes, which can easily gave the insight of her heart and her feelings, but today they were barren, having a coldness inside, a kind of coldness which was horrifying to look at. The perfection in herself was still prominent but without feelings. She told him once that "death sometimes is not just for your body to get buried or to the physicality of you, sometimes it's just to bury your soul which died" and he never agree to her on that. And today he knew what exactly age meant by the death of soul and it's burial and he understood that the emptiness of her eyes was the death of her soul, and those things which are dead cant have any signs of life.

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