Monday, November 17, 2014

Love him!

just slipping out of your hands,
like it wasn't ever there,
"oh i wish i could have done more to make him happy"
is all you think all the time,
or maybe "he isn't happy with me",
is what circles your mind all day long,
you lay awake at nights,
figuring out ways to comfort him,
"oh i need to be a bit more cheerful so he could be happy",
or maybe,
"oh no i should not have done that,rather i should have done this",
why so gloomy and sad the whole world appears to you,
for that special one is not happy,
oh dear girl,
it might not be you who worries him,
its maybe him who worries him,
no dame of his city caught his eye recently,
no other issues to make him quiet,
only himself and his own inner demons are what he fears,
tell him you love him no matter what,
tell him you care no matter what,
tell me hes the only one,
show him you are there..

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