Sunday, December 28, 2014


It was eight in the morning and suddenly the door bell rang, she was awake as she was making breakfast and was about to leave for the office. "Who it can be at this time?" she thought, with different thoughts inside her head she open the door, and there was a man standing in a black suit just to delivered her a letter and without further delayed he left her wondering from whom might the letter could be. She came inside and closed the door behind her and started opening the letter which she was holding and by looking at the letter her world was shaken upside down. It's was his writing a person she wouldn't forget in centuries. 

24 November, 
12.35 am 
So when this letter will reached you I would be pretty dead and buried by than and the man who delivered you this will b delivering you the other things but that's the later part of the story.
I really have no idea why I am writing this to you after so long but every inch of my body have literally begged me to write this to you as it's your right to know what happened and it's my last wish to let you know. I knew it from a very long that you were in love with me and but I fell in love with you the day I saw you first time in that hall across the benches for our only class together. Shocked! Well I was too because it was impossible for me to believe that I fell for a complete opposite of me. I know, I know you would b wondering why am I writing all this now because there is no need of it now and I completely agree but I can't die with a burden in my heart which I carried inside me all those times. You know I have adopted all your habits, or might say I have become like you in somethings, like I have started liking rain. See exactly I was shocked too on the day I stepped into rain like I felt it and I was wonderful, the raindrops touching your skin and making you wet. I remembered you was so annoyed from me whenever I got irritated by the rain and cursing it and you always to make me more angry went into rain for hours and hours and left me rotting with anger.
Okay would you please stop crying! You know I never liked tears in your eyes. Anyways coming to the why I wrote you this letter is I was deeply and madly in love with you and still am. And yeah I was the person to end this relationship but how could I see you crying for a dying man. I was sick before I meet you and had completely lost hope, my doctors have suggested that if I continued the treatment I would be able to live couple of more years or even I could fight the illness and live a completely healthy life but I was so angry with my fate that I left all treatment and started living a life of a junkie. Wasting one complete year in this situation I met you and my life changed, for the first time in my whole life I wanted to live, but it was too late than. All the possibilities for me was king gone, and I missed all my chances to live my life with you. And than again I took all my frustration and anger and burned the fairy tale ending of our story and I left you, which was the biggest mistake of my life. And with these I don't have words to write more and I would be asking for any forgiveness because I got what I deserved. 
Okay the later part the man who gave you the letter will be delivering you the things I left for you and the things I kept which belonged to you. And please don't visit my grave as I wouldn't be able to forgive my self for seeing you in pain. Take care of yourself.

Tears rolling down her eyes when she finished the letter, he surely has made her completely shocked and speechless but he was still the same person she knew. He haven't changed at all because he still left so many unanswered questions like he always do. This was his last letter but an incomplete one because he was not complete at all as his complacency lies with her and without her, he was just an incomplete jigsaw puzzle with one piece missing, and she was the missing piece that he made cleared to her. Now she have to visit his grave to let him feel the pain she felt for him all those times.

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