Saturday, July 26, 2014


we always want a happy ending for it we only strive 
but nature has it's own way of bending because its the spark which keeps us alive
its not about wilting its about the delight of efflorese 
its not about losing its about the endeavor to eminence 
this life is not a bed of roses its a dark path full of thorns 
we think of it as proses but in real its the thoughts which are torn 
everyone who meets is not a friend some are there to pull you down
they are there to stab your back so beware and look around
utmost desires left unfulfilled indispensable prayers left unlistened 
life never let go a chance to leave us shocked and thrilled
always giving new reasons for heart to be glistened
non of us is impeccable all we need is an eye 
which ignores the things which are questionable and understands without asking why
trust in your Lord and move on as He pulls u back when you are about to drown 
whatever happens life goes on so there is no time to sit and to frown 

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