Thursday, July 24, 2014


All my life i have been thinking that i wrote poetry on the people i used to try to find you in. It’s not a mere body that i desired. It’s your soul I was searching for all along. I wrote poetry on the void that you filled as soon as you laid eyes on me on May 14, 2012 at 3pm. I wrote poetry on you since I learned to write one. You were in me all along. I just had to meet your physical form and that occurred 21 years later after our births. Since then you have completed me in a way nobody could ever do. I found you as if i was searching for you all along. I don’t know what our future holds for both of us but one thing is certain. I was born to be yours. I was born to love you since my first baby cry. I came in this world to find your physical form and connect to it in ways that would complete both of us. You, my love, are what i desire and cherish the most. As Rumi says and I quote here; “Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” All my verses and poetry were for you. After meeting you, I comprehended that it was you all along who was the main reason of my poetry and my existence.

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