Saturday, July 26, 2014

Part Of My Soul

in the dim light of moon  
  and when the flowers bloom
in the shimmer of sun  

   and when the rain drops run 
   you are always there as a part of my soul  

  in the golden pages  

                             and million beautiful faces                       
all i see is you  
      you are always there as a part of my soul  
          when the butter flies pass by 
            and when the birds touch the sky 
               you are always there as a part of my soul 
    no matter how hard i try 
           i cant think of anything besides thy' 
                                                         because u are that special one                                                            you need to know it Hun  
        who occupies my heart  
        nothing can take u apart 
                    because you are always there as a part of my soul  
            when the world is busy in chores 
                  my mind is filled with memory of yours  
        and that smile on your face 
       is something really scarce 
     it's a jewel in the world  
     that only you behold  
              whether it matters for u or not  
                but that's the treasure I've got 
                    you are always there as a part of my soul  
                  u'll never know wot you've done to me 
          u'll never know wot u are to me
   every time for u i fall 
                 and called moonstruck by my pals 
          all my efforts go in vain  
                            but now i have started to enjoy this pain  
               you always were 
             you always will  
                 forever be there 

                   as a part of my soul  

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