Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fallen Masks

They say why people meet if they are meant to be separated.But my question is why flowers bloom if they are to be wilted , why we win, if he have to lose again , why we sleep if we have to wake up again, and why we live if we have to die one day, the answer to all this is time.Things change with time, as time passes, new qualities evolve. We learn to live on without the things which keep on stabbing us and then we realize the need to change,to change the priorities , to change the requirements and trust me if u don't change you will end up destroying yourself because this world is all about people with masks and whenever the mask falls we seem to have perception that the person has changed but that's not the truth. That changed person is the real person. Its really hard to find people these days who are same inside out because  in this society of double faced people their survival is hard. You are in turn compelled to wear a mask and fake a smile .

1 comment:

  1. thats quite true!! every kind of mask is available in this market named "world"!
