Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Goodbye

HE : i am in love  
SHE : really ? come on tell me with whom
HE : not yet 
SHE : you can trust me with it 
HE : To be honest  at the moment,i love everyone. i cant even tell a single name whom i don't love 
SHE : *stares amazed*
HE : what's with the flowers?
SHE : well i bought these flowers for you but , i guess now they are of no use .
HE : i love flowers,i will love to have them 
SHE : they were for the love of my life .. but now i guess i have lost him somewhere ... well you can keep it .. in case you find him
HE : yes, i am good at keeping things safe 
SHE : well i wont agree .... you just smashed my heart before turning away
HE : you never asked me to keep it,i never accepted to keep it. it was lying there on my doorstep 
SHE : heart is never asked to be kept ... if it is to be kept ... it is kept ... otherwise it just lies there .. on a doorstep .. or some dinner table on a date night
HE : you expected it to be a date night. i never said that we were dating. a dinner , a mere dinner? with my friend? was there candle light,roses,music? NO 
SHE : there was candle light ... when u were busy noticing the bling of the street ... there were roses when u had your eyes on that tulip garden ... there was music ... music of soul ... when u were too busy in noticing the voices of the crowd
HE : those street lights,tulips,and the crowd. that was romance. I've been in love. I've been hurt, I've cried. and the day she left me; all this made no sense to me anymore. 
SHE : so i was right u were still moving in the valleys of past . while a person was there to make u a part of her future? may be i cant fill her space but i am still here to give it a try  because i just cant see all those streaks of pain in your eyes
HE : my eyes sparkled because of her. i had the brightest smile because of her. i laughed on stupid,lame things it was HER. every time. how can i be so stupid i never realized. she was not anyone, she was my LIFE. i can never explain my love,because words wont do any justice to her breathtaking beauty. you are my once in a lifetime friend and always will be. i never felt the way i felt when i was with her 
SHE : love is to be felt not expressed in words she never valued u she had the most loyal person in front of her but she ignored because all she wanted was some bloody money and from that day u closed your hearts to everyone but i assure u one day this love of mine will melt that shattered heart .one day when u feel the warmth of my love , the purity of my feelings, friendship is the first step of love
HE : you dare not say anything about my love,money?i could do anything for her. ANYTHING *throws the wine glass away* i closed my heart,i closed it for everyone. i spend my days,i cant live them anymore. no matter how hard you try darling, the door of hearts are to be opened from inside 
SHE : that's the point .. she was just using you .. she just mocked your feelings ... leaving you feel worthless ... and wounded ... but these are the wounds from where light will enter .... and the doors will be opened from the inside ... life goes on ... soon u will feel those butterflies rambling in your stomach ...your heart racing at every sight of mine .... the worst of the days changing into blessed ones ... time will do miracles ... and that's the promise of a true heart ... *goes away smiling*
HE : someday,just not today. 
SHE : *turns * i can wait a life long for that day. goodbye

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